Books to Inspire: Joanie Mackowski
- Gilgamesh
- Genesis
- John Milton: Paradise Lost
- Marianne Moore
- H.D. Trilogy
- Adrienne Rich: Of Women Born, poems & essays
- Herman Melville: Moby Dick, Benito Cereno
- Nathaniel Hawthorne: Scarlet Letter
- Willa Cather: Death Comes for the Archbishop
- William Faulkner: As I Lay Dying
- Zora Neale Hurston: Their Eyes Were Watching God
- Ralph Ellison: The Invisible Man
- Ralph Waldo Emerson: essays
- Mircea Eliade: The Sacred and the Profane
- RH. Blyth: Zen & Zen Classics
- J. Krishnamurti: Think on These Things
- Julian Jaynes: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
- Annie Dillard: Holy the Firm
- Hunter S. Thompson: Hell's Angels
- John McPhee: The Control of Nature
- Richard Kenney: poems
- Terrance Hayes: poems
- Robert Hayden: poems
- Elizabeth Bishop: poems & letters
- John Keats: poems & letters
- Emily Dickinson: poems & letters