Graduate students in a creative writing seminar
Sharing work and inspiration

Creative Writing

The Creative Writing Program offers workshop courses in fiction and poetry writing, and sponsors the Barbara & David Zalaznick Reading Series during the academic year. Readings and receptions are free and open to the public.

Student writing

More than 500 undergraduates enroll in the program’s courses annually, many from schools outside the College of Arts & Sciences. English majors may concentrate in creative writing; other majors may pursue a minor in creative writing. Classes open to undergraduates throughout the university are Creative Writing, Narrative Writing and Poetry Writing, and Advanced Narrative Writing & Advanced Poetry Writing.

The program also offers an MFA degree. MFA graduate students organize the First-Year MFA Reading Series, and graduating MFA students hold a reading of their works in the spring. 

For more information, contact:

Michael Koch in the EPOCH office with MFA students

The award-winning national literary journal EPOCH is published by the Department of Literatures in English and the Creative Writing Program. EPOCH publishes fiction, poetry, essays, comics, and graphic art. In continuous publication since 1947, the magazine is edited by students and faculty of the MFA Program.

Submission guidelines, advertising rates, an archive of past issues, and featured poetry and prose from the most recent issue are available at the magazine’s full site, The past ten years of EPOCH are also available to buy as individual issues in the EPOCH shop, along with subscriptions.

Creative Writing Program Events

Nov 07
Thursday 05:00 PM

Reading by Sigrid Nunez

Rhodes-Rawling Auditorium Klarman Hall KG70