New Faculty: Alexandra Kleeman

Alexandra Kleeman

Associate Professor, Literatures in English

Academic focus: 

Ecological fiction, experimental fiction, creative nonfiction and criticism

Current research project: 

A quasi-utopian novel in five parts, each set on a different island at a moment of economic upheaval — and beginning a nonfiction project, an "unnatural history" of cows.​

Previous positions:

  • Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, The New School, 2018-2024

  • Assistant Professor, Creative Writing, Columbia University, 2017-2018

Academic background:

  • M.F.A., Creative writing, Columbia University, 2012

  • M.A., Rhetoric, University of California, Berkeley, 2008

  • B.A., Brown University, 2007

Last book read: 

“Cecilia” by K-Ming Chang and “Theft is Property!” by Robert Nichols

In your own time/when not working: 

Hiking, trail running, kayaking and ceramics

Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching: 

All workshops are adventures, but a new graduate course I'm teaching on personhood in literature will be especially exciting for me.

What most excites you about Cornell: 

I'm thrilled to be at an institution at the cutting edge of so many different fields, and so suited to collaboration across the disciplines! I'm excited about the way the English and creative writing programs are able to support their students, and by the role Cornell plays preparing students for a truly diverse range of careers. It's a very special place!

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		Alexandra Kleeman