Retired Faculty
- M.H. Abrams, Class of 1916 Professor of English Emeritus (7/23/1912 - 4/21/2015)
- Barry Adams, Professor Emeritus (8/31/1935-12/31/2024)
- Jean Blackall, Professor Emerita
- Fredric V. Bogel, Professor Emeritus
- Lynda D. Bogel, Senior Lecturer (Retired)
- Carole Boyce Davies, Frank H.T. Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters Emerita
- Cynthia Chase, Professor Emerita
- Barbara Correll, Professor Emerita
- Jonathan Culler, Class of 1916 Professor Emeritus
- Stuart Davis, Senior Lecturer & Weiss Provost's Teaching Fellow Emeritus
- Laura E. Donaldson, Professor Emerita
- Debra Fried, Associate Professor (Retired)
- Alice Fulton, Ann S. Bowers Professor of English Emerita
- Katherine Gottschalk, Senior Lecturer (Retired)
- Lamar Herrin, Professor Emeritus
- Neil H. Hertz, Professor Emeritus
- Thomas Hill, Professor Emeritus
- Molly Hite, Professor Emerita (6/26/1947-2/10/2025)
- Mary Jacobus, Professor Emerita
- Biodun Jeyifo, Professor Emeritus
- Carol Kaske, Professor Emerita (2/5/1933 - 6/15/2016)
- Michael Koch, Senior Lecturer, Editor of EPOCH literary magazine (1/14/1947-5/27/2022)
- Alison Lurie, Frederic J. Whiton Professor of American Literature Emerita (9/3/26 -12/3/20)
- Dan McCall, Professor Emeritus (1/14/1940-6/17/2012)
- Joanie Mackowski, Associate Professor (Retired)
- Kenneth A. McClane, W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of Literature Emeritus
- James McConkey, Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences Emeritus (9/2/1921 - 10/24/2019)
- Maureen McCoy, Professor Emerita
- Dorothy Mermin, Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences Emerita
- Robert Morgan, Kappa Alpha Professor of English Emeritus
- A. Reeve Parker, Professor Emeritus
- Mary Ann Radzinowicz, Jacob Gould Schurman Professor of English Literature Emerita (4/18/1925 - 3/15/2023)
- Edgar Rosenberg, Professor Emeritus (9/21/1925 - 12/19/2015)
- Neil Saccamano, Associate Professor Emeritus
- Paul Sawyer, Professor Emeritus
- Harry Shaw, Professor Emeritus
- Sandra Siegel, Professor Emerita
- Stephanie Vaughn, Professor Emerita & Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow
- Winthrop Wetherbee, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities Emeritus
- Shelley Wong, Associate Professor Emerita