Mary Loeffelholz

Dean, School of Continuing Education


Mary Loeffelholz is the dean of Cornell’s School of Continuing Education. Her books include The Value of Emily Dickinson (2016), the Blackwell Companion to Emily Dickinson (co-edited with Martha Nell Smith, 2008), and From School to Salon: Reading Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Poetry (2004). Her articles and book chapters have appeared in The Oxford Handbook of Emily Dickinson, Whitman Among the Bohemians, The Cambridge Handbook of American Poetry, A Companion to American Literary Studies, Emerson Society Quarterly, American Literary History, Victorian Poetry, and Studies in Romanticism, among other venues. From 2007-2016 she was the editor of Volume D, 1914-1945, of The Norton Anthology of American Literature.

Research Focus

  • American literature and culture
  • Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American poetry
  • Feminist criticism
  • Poetics