Stephanie Sang


Stephanie Sang is a PhD candidate in Literatures in English. She is currently reading and writing about Asian American imaginative histories especially attuned to material objects. Her dissertation, “Decomposing Asia America: An Emergent Method” develops a “decompositional” reading practice to analyze Asian American cultural production for its baser (and less transcendental) representations of the environment. Her research interests include Asian/American literature and culture, imaginative histories, material culture/object studies, and environmental humanities. Before coming to Cornell, Stephanie completed her MA in Anthropology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa as an East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellow. She invites anyone with adjacent interests to connect!

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 1134 First Year Writing: True Stories
  • ENGL 1134 First Year Writing: True Stories of Lands and Waters
  • ENGL 1111 To Make the World a Better Place
  • AAS 2620 Introduction to Asian American Literature (TA) 

Research Focus

  • Asian/American literature and culture
  • Imaginative histories
  • Material culture/object studies
  • Environmental humanities